Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Give Me a Lecture

Anne Fadiman is one of my favorite writers. I’ve read Ex Libris a couple of times, and frequently quote from it when I’m trying to sound funny AND smart. So, when I heard that she would be speaking at MCW about her book “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” I knew that I had to go. (I haven’t read it yet, but I know the gist of the story.)
I like lectures and book tours. They are a great way to get involved with the community AND learn something new. Since this particular lecture was given at the medical college it was primarily directed toward members of the health care community, but even as an “outsider” I still gleaned some important points that I can apply to my own work. For example, she said that doctors should try to see the illness from the patient’s point of view. This can be done by asking “you” questions – how do you feel? what do you think caused this illness? what are you trying to improve your health? Each of these questions allow the patient to be more involved in the care process. As for myself, I can ask these questions to students to let them be more involved in the learning process – how do you feel about class? what do you not understand? what are you doing to understand it better?
After the lecture, there was reception where I discussed with friends and had Ms. Fadiman sign my notebook. All in all, a good Monday night.

Total Cost: $0 for pearls of wisdom and three cookies (yes, I had three).

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