Lately I've been doing the puzzle from the LA Times -- sufficiently challenging, and free every day.
Total Cost: $0 for a brain boost. What's a five letter word for "collar extension"?
"Everywhere I look there is bad news. Not uplifting. Negative. Sad. There seems to be a competition going on to see who can deliver the worst news of the day. Let's have a column on funny books to be read and enjoyed -- with a long list."
I couldn't agree more. We have enough sad. We need more funny. In that same spirit, I have submitted three of my favorites.
1. Jeeves in the Morning -- pure farce. How can you say the words "Steeple Bumpleigh" and not smile?
As most of you know, I teach at a
As some of you know, I have already been called upon to deliver the prayer/reflection twice, and both times it didn’t go so well. It’s not that I don’t know how to say a prayer or read a scripture, it’s just that I forget. I’m always standing in my classroom at the beginning of second hour thinking “oooo, someone forgot it was their turn” until I get a call telling me to get my butt down to the main office. These stories are good ones and I would be happy to share them with you, but here’s what happened today.
As none of you know, today my number was up again. Fortunately, I have known about this since Monday and have had a chance to prepare. I chose to read D&C 88:118-120. I love that scripture and how it talks about studying and learning (I’m a teacher to the core). I was ready. So, this morning I got to school, made some copies, ate my orange and chatted with the librarian. During first hour I gave a test, graded papers and answered homework questions. When the bell rang, I stood there blissfully waiting for my next class to come in – blissfully until the phone rang … I had forgotten AGAIN! … Later one of my students said she knew it had been my turn for prayer when she saw me racing down the stairs. Sigh. At least I was prepared this time.